In the recent years pirate activity on the East African cost has increased and so has the offshore oil activity. Both the fixed drilling rigs and the seismic research vessels operating in the area have been threatened by this and Everett have been able to assist our various offshore customers with expanded patrols.
With the combination of powerful search radar and our FLIR camera, we are able to locate and track even the smaller skiffs.
Using our hoist capability and in association with some leading security companies we are able to deliver protection teams to vessels that request them.

FLIR camera system installed on the AS365
In April 2009, Everett Aviation escorted the Maersk Alabama to the port of Mombasa after their cargo ship was released by Somali Pirates off the East African Coast. For this night mission, we used the Night Vision Goggles and the Leo 400 FLIR Camera. The footage we recorded with the FLIR was aired on the World News.
In February 2013, Everett Aviation was Appointed distributor for FLIR systems Inc. Everett Aviation has been using FLIR products for many years in support of surveillance and search and rescue. Everett and FLIR believe that the opportunities for these products in the East Africa region is significant (
Evertt Aviation also added a twin-engine Diamond 42 with Safire III FLIR system to offer longer range and duration to offshore patrols.
The Diamond DA42 fixed wing aircraft