In the past, Aviation flight following and tracking in Africa relied on VHF and HF radio. These systems were inefficient and often unavailable due to a lack of infrastructure in remote parts of the continent.
Everett Aviation's commitment to Safety is paramount in all operations. Installing SkyTrac’s satellite based flight following hardware in each of their helicopters helped achieve this goal.
For each mission Everett helicopters fly, SkyTrac provides:
- Flight-following using GPS-based position reporting
- Aircraft tracking and mapping with an optional Google Earth interface
- Two-way voice communication between the aircraft and the ground
- Two-way email between the aircraft and the ground
- Operational reports
The operations and dispatch department is responsible for providing flight following at all times when an Everett Aviation helicopter is in the air. All helicopter resources are displayed and viewed on an extra large screen in the office, which allows multiple flight tracking tasks to be accomplished efficiently.